Inspiration for this week.

Worship Gathering  (9:30am)
Classes and Groups  (11:00am)


Worship Gathering | 9:30am

This lasts about an hour and includes singing, communion, and practical teaching to help you follow Jesus more closely.

Join our worship gathering online at 9:30am by clicking HERE.

classes | 11:00am

Our Adult Classes are designed to help you go further in your walk with Jesus and grow deeper in your faith.

Hispanic Ministry Service | 9:30am

If you speak Spanish or want to learn, join our Hispanic Ministry for worship on Sundays at 9:00am. This service is led by our Hispanic Minister, who brings a helpful message and worship.

Hispanic Ministry Class | 11:00am

Our Hispanic Ministry is studying together during our Sunday morning class time. Join Nelson Galarraga, our Hispanic Minister, and our Hispanic Ministry as they study scripture together.

Infants - Twos

Nursery (Under two) | OPen 9:15am

Babies will love playing, singing songs, and reading Bible stories with our experienced volunteer team.

two’s Worship and Class | Open 9:15am

Toddlers, ages 2 will love playing together and learning about the love of Jesus with our experienced volunteer team. Parents can drop their toddlers off in the Kids Wing prior to service.


Toddler Worship | Open 9:15am

Toddlers, ages 2 and 3, will love playing together and learning about the love of Jesus with our experienced volunteer team. Parents can drop their toddlers off in the Kids Wing prior to service.

Kids Worship | After Communion

Children will be dismissed from the worship assembly after communion to worship God at their level through singing and listening to a Bible story.

Class | 11:00AM

Kids will have fun learning the Bible and growing in relationship with each other.

3’s - 4th Grade

Kids Worship | After Communion (3’s - 4th grade)

Kids will be dismissed from the worship assembly after communion to worship God at their level through singing and listening to a Bible story.

Class | 11:00am (3’s - 4th grade)

Kids will have fun learning the Bible and growing in relationship with each other.


The Bridge | 11:00am (5th-6th)

5th & 6th graders will enjoy learning and growing in an age appropriate environment.

Worship Gathering | 9:30am (All Ages)

Our worship gathering is designed with 7th-12th graders in mind. We want to plant the gospel in their hearts and help them know God's will for their lives.

Class | 11:00am (7th - 12th)

This environment helps students grow in relationships and go deeper with how to follow Jesus every day.

The Crossing | Wednesdays 6:00pm (7th - 12th)

This weekly environments for our students gives them an opportunity to connect with each other and grow in their faith with the support of trusted adult leaders. We eat dinner together, sing worship, and hear an inspiring message.

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